By Natasha Chamberlin
Yesterday I had a nasty migraine as well as a sickness bug that was going around. So I laid down and shut my eyes. After about 15 minutes of laying down I had a strange vision…
I saw a large dusty area – like a desert but there were houses near by. The sand looked similar to fine beach sand. I then saw a whirl pool appear in the sand. It started small and then grew bigger and bigger.
As the sand whirl pool grew it was sucking and pulling everything into the middle of it, where it dragged what it had pulled deep into the centre of the whirl poor – into the ground.
I could see houses being sucked into this whirl poor. It was such a vivid vision and seemed so very real. I sat up after the vision had ended and made myself a cup of coffee. My head still hurt so I laid down again. I was only laying down for about 10 minutes when I had another vision come to me…
I could see a long cannoo kind of boat with oars. The boat was filled with African and Indian people. The people in the boat looked very frightened. I felt that they were crossing the river to get to a safe place. I felt that they were in danger and were trying to escape. I then noticed that there was an old African woman waring a tatty white stained dress and a duku (cloth) on her head. She kept pointing to some woodlands and a field of some kind. I then saw a small plane fly down into the trees and crash. I noticed that the ground was so dry as it was a drout. When the plane crashed it’s flames caused a massive bush fire. Animals and people were running for their lives as the fire was out of control and burning everything in it’s path. I kept seeing the letters 10 and 27. Also heard the words, Namibia and Origarni / Nguni. Both visions were so real that it was like watching a movie. I was too scared to sleep after that in case I had anymore intense visions. Thankfully my migraine had calmed down then.