In September 2009 I was sitting in the lounge while my husband and two daughters sat in the dinning room eating their dinner. I did not join them as I was not feeling too well that day and did not feel like eating.
I looked over at my family in the dinning room eating their dinner when I noticed the dinning room curtains moving quite swiftly (which was strange as there was no window open or wind.) My family did not see the curtain moving as they were so engrossed in their conversation.
I then saw a misty haze - almost like heat waves that you see on the road on a hot summers day, move across the room by the window. It then vanished. A few days later I was watching telly when I saw the same misty haze move across the room and into the dinning room before disappearing.
A few days later I put on some music and began cleaning the house and sweeping the lounge floors. I was singing away happily along to the music as I swept the floors. All of a sudden I heard this loud "Shhhhhhhh" right in my ear (even felt the breath) as though someone was standing right by me. lol I screamed, dropped the broom and ran out of the room. Think it was just the initial shock as I was completely in my own world miles away when it happened.
I have now learnt that the misty haze spirit is of an elderly lady who lives in my house - the one who loves to knit. I am sure she is the elderly lady who lived here before us and who passed away in the house before we moved in. She has taken quite a liking to my husband Dave as I keep seeing her following him and standing by him. She means us no harm and she really does just enjoy doing her knitting and watching us go about our every day lives.
She does get annoyed though when I put the music on too loud or if I play rave songs or heavy sounding songs, as she keeps messing about with the cd player making the songs get stuck or jump (only the heavy songs.) There is one song in particular that she does not like and turns the song off each time I put it on. I do find this to be very annoying some times but then I have to smile.
By Natasha Chamberlin