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Hi, I am happy to be a part of the group as it allows like minded people to be able to share their personal spiritual experiences without judgments. I would like to recommend to you a truly knowledgable professional man, but before I do I would like to share with you how I came to meet this man by sharing my personal Traumatic Spiritual Experience.
I have psychic abilities which enables me to see, hear, smell and feel spirits. I am a normal person who did not see or expect what was about to happen to me.I begun to have problems controlling my body as my body would be moved into positions that I did not put my body into.
This is extremely difficult for me to try and explain to you as unless someone has actually experienced this, and I would not wish this upon anyone, it is difficult for me to describe it accurately. I had no control over this.
I felt like I was in a tug of war as the spirits would move my body and I would try to stop them by pulling back in the other direction. I was in a never ending fight. I could feel negative energy all around me.
I started having trouble sleeping because of my body moving for one, as well as the spirits being all over me, and whenever I would lie down I would always feel as though I was sea sick as it felt like the bed was constantly rocking.
I could feel spirits on my bed, on top of me.. on my chest, doing unimaginable things to me and pinning me to the bed. I started feeling things, smelling awful disgusting smells, hearing and seeing things that I could not possibly explain in a rational way.
I could actually hear, feel and see with my eyes if that makes sense to you, absolutely everything that these spirits were doing to me. I could feel the negative emotions coming off of them. It was extremely intense and horrendous.
I had to constantly label all that I was feeling as everything that I felt was so full of hate and anger. Every second word they swore, their language was very foul. I had numerous spirits at the same time doing and saying grosse and unimaginable things to me, telling me that I brought everything that they were doing to me on myself and laughing at me, thoroughly amused at how much trouble I was having trying to find someone who could put a stop to the living hell that I was being made to endure 24 hours a day 7 days a week.
It was by far the worst, horrific and traumatizing times of my life, not something that anyone should ever have to go through.
I searched everywhere that I could think of going to many different psychics, mediums, clairvoyants, healers, house cleansers, spiritualist churches etc... being told over and over again that spirit can't and won't do what these spirits were doing to me day in and day out without failure.
I felt as though I was going insane as I could find no one who could understand the spiritual problem that I was having let alone even see what I could see. It took me many years to finally find Anthony Cox's website - Anthony Cox was able to answer absolutely every single question that I threw at him without failure. He knew exactly what was happening to me and he knew exactly how to put a stop to it. He removed all spirits and took them to where they should be.
As soon as he helped me I felt instant relief and I mean instant relief. He is a brilliant, knowledgable, honest and trustworthy man who I have a tremendous amount of respect for. He is remarkable, he gave me back my life, I am once again myself and I am in total control of my own life.
I cannot thank him or recommend him enough for all that he has done for me. He provides many other services other than Entity Removal, his website is a definite must read. :-) I would like to thank you for taking the time to read and listen to my personal spiritual experience.
I appreciate being a member here as I know that I can speak freely and openly about the spiritual problem without being judged. So thanks again.
If there is anyone who would like to share their own personal spiritual experience I would be more than happy to listen.