On the 3rd of September 2009 I had just lay down in bed and said my prayers. I was just beginning to drift off to sleep when I felt as though I was being watched. I opened my eyes and looked up to find a little girl standing next to me near my head.
She had long brown hair and it was tied in half pone but it looked like an old fashioned her style. She wore a green woollen cardigan with buttons at the front. The buttons were undone and a yellow top was underneath. She also wore a beige skirt and old fashioned brown shoes. Her clothes were very old fashioned, sort of war time looking.
She turned and looked at me but I could not make out her face. I could see her face but it was slightly blurred. She moved closer and closer to me and the closer she got the more her face became clearer. I then noticed that her face was changing from a young girl to a woman about the age of 42-45 years old.
I quickly blinked my eyes and shook my head, looked at her again. She then turned into a shadow and darted across the room at a high speed and vanished. At my bedroom window was a white mist moving. I could then smell the smell of smoke as though there was a fire somewhere. Our whole room was filled with smoke so I looked out of our bedroom window and saw that there was thick smoke all out side too.
I woke up my husband Dave and he saw the smoke too - we were puzzled as we could not see a fire or hear fire engines. It was all very strange! The next day my husband and I were driving though our little village when I saw a lady walking on the road side. She looked exactly like the lady I had seen the night before.
About a week or so after the incident my daughter Monique told me that she keeps seeing an old fashioned little girl standing in our hall way. I asked her to draw a picture of her and she did. Her picture and how she described the girl is exactly the same as what I saw.
This girl still lives upstairs in our hall way and she is quite fond of Kristi my youngest daughter. Kristi keeps telling me that at night when she is trying to sleep she has someone keep tickling her feet and waking her up. She also said that she keeps seeing bright lights in her room that wake her up.
One day my friend Wendy popped round for lunch and she took a look upstairs. She too could feel the presence of this little girl and felt that she likes Kristi and likes being around her. I feel that this little girl could be Kristi's spirit guide. She may have died at 42-45 years old but shows herself as a young girl.
By Natasha Chamberlin