By Natasha Chamberlin
When I was 13 years of age my brother, sister and I went for a long walk in a large field that was just outside our house. It was a hot and sunny summer’s day and the walk was an enjoyable one.
We soon approached a large tree and decided that we would sit under the tree and eat our picnic lunch that we had brought with us. We were about to approach the tree when to our horror, we saw hanging from a large branch of the tree were 3 dead dogs. They all had ropes tied around their necks and were just hanging there.
We were horrified and began to run in the opposite direction. We did not run far - only a half a minute run when we looked back and to our surprise the dogs were gone. There was not sign of them anywhere. They had just vanished as fast as they had appeared. It was a terrifying experience and one we will never forget.
We ran home and told our mother what had happened and she told us to stop being silly. She said that it was all of our imaginations and we were only scaring our selves.