By Natasha Chamberlin
In this one house which we lived there was a mischievous spirit who would slam the cupboard doors, send items flying across the room, make the bed move and shake furiously and turn the lights on and off constantly.
It would also poke me in the back and pull my hair. No one could see it or feel it but myself. One night my step sister and I sat chatting on my bed and the time was three in the morning.
This particular mischievous spirit decided it was going to have a little bit of fun and it began causing havoc. My stepsister was terrified and cried inconsolably as the spirit pulled her hair and swung the cupboards to and fro.
I had enough and what I did next I will never know where I got the strength from. I grabbed hold of my bible and opened it. I did not know why but I just opened the bible and was instantly drawn to a verse. I did not know if the verse was the right one to read or not but I read it and then said the Lord's prayer.
I told the spirit to leave the house and to follow the light. By now the bed was shaking furiously and the legs even came off the floor. The lights were flickering and tuning on and off and the cupboard doors flung back and fourth. Donna, my stepsister was sobbing her heart out and clung to me tightly she was twelve years old at the time and I was 20 years old.
After asking the spirit to leave this house and to follow the light everything went still and silent. The lights stopped flicking on and off the bed and cupboard doors were still.
From that day on I have never seen that spirit again. I feel he did leave the house and followed the light to finally rest in peace.