What are Chakras?
Answer By Natasha Chamberlin
The word Chakra is derived from a Sanskrit word meaning, "Wheels of Light.” Chakras are spiralling energy centres in our body. Everything in the universe is made up of pure energy. Every plant, human and living thing is made up of this pure energy. There are 7 main Chakras with many little ones in each of us. These Chakras help to keep us balanced, feed in good energy and dispose of any negative or unwanted energy. If our Chakras are unbalanced then we are unbalanced and struggle to go about our daily lives. We become depressed or feel tied all the time, our health may suffer or we may find it difficult to grow spiritually. It is important to keep our Chakra’s balanced and cleansed. In this lesson I will teach you how to keep your Chakras and Auras balanced, cleansed and healthy.
The 7 Main Chakras
1. Red – root / base Chakra 2. Orange – Sacral / Spleen Chakra 3. Yellow – Solar Plexus Chakra 4. Green – Heart Chakra 5. Turquoise – Throat Chakra 6. Blue – Brow or third eye Chakra 7. Purple – Crown Chakra
The first of the Chakras is the root / base Chakra.
This Chakra is RED in colour and is situated at the base of spine between the anus and genitals, opening downwards. The Sanskit name for this Chakra is Muladhara. This Chakra is the element of Earth. The key issues associated with the red Chakra are sexuality, lust and obsession, health and the physical body – meaning that this Chakra relates to the condition and health of the physical body, our sexuality, sensuality and our mental stability. It is important to keep all of our Chakra’s balanced and cleansed. I will provide you with some helpful meditations that will help to keep your Chakras cleansed and balanced. When the red Chakra becomes imbalanced you may experience various health problems such as fatigue, depression, colds and flu, back problems, sickness, Anaemia, Sciatica, headaches and migraines. Your body’s defence system will be low so you are more likely pick to up illnesses going around. You may also find that your feet and hands feel cold a lot of the time. The best way to keep your Red Chakra balanced and cleansed is to try out the meditations that will follow in this lesson. Try to get daily physical exercise and plenty of restful sleeps. You could also try eating more red foods and drinking red drinks as this helps to restore and balance your red Chakra. Gardening and spending time in the out doors is another great way to help keep your Chakra balanced. Wearing red gemstones or crystals helps, as well as wearing red clothing. Good essential oils you can use are ylang ylang and sandalwood.
The second Chakra is the Sacral / Spleen Chakra.
This Chakra is ORANGE in colour and is situated below the navel / belly button ( lower abdomen). The Sanskit name for this Chakra is Svadisthana. This Chakra is the element of Water. The key issues associated with the orange Chakra are relationships, Violence, depression, emotional issues and addictions. This Chakra relates to our feelings, emotions and experiences. There are many ways to help keep your orange Chakra balanced and cleansed. Eating and drinking a lot of orange foods and drinks is a good way to keep your Chakra balanced. Meditiation is good too, hot aromatic baths, wearing orange clothes works too and so does wearing or carrying orange gemstones or crystals, embracing sensations and trying out different types of foods also helps to keep your orange Chakra balanced and cleansed. When your orange Chakra becomes imbalanced you may find that you suffer from depression, alcohol and drug abuse, violence, Asthma and allergies, Urinary infections and problems, lower back problems, eating and other types of disorders and addictions, lack of appetite, nausea and Candida and yeast infections. This is why it is so important to keep your Chakras balanced and cleansed. Try using orange essential oils help keep your orange Chakra balanced.
The third Chakra is the Solar Plexus Chakra.
This Chakra is yellow in colour and is situated above the navel (belly button) – the stomach area. The Sanskit name for this Chakra is Manipura. This Chakra is the element of Fire. The key issues associated with the Yellow Chakra are; Introversion, anxiety, fear and power. This Chakra relates to consciousness, ideas, logical processes, belief systems and intellect and mental health. There are many ways to help keep your yellow Chakra balanced and cleansed. Some of these ways are as follows, try eating and drinking a lot of yellow foods and drinks, wear yellow clothing or yellow gemstones and crystals. Place many yellow flowers in your home, try read informative books, take up new courses or classes of interest, plenty of warm sunshine and fresh air, detoxing and meditation, doing mind puzzles and mind stimulating games, and using yellow essential oils, use Rosemary in your cooking. When your yellow Chakra becomes imbalanced you may find that you suffer from nervousness, mental disorders, poor memory, digestive problems, headaches, memory loss, hypoglycaemia, ulcers and stomach upsets, parasites and toxicity, constipation and sinuous problems.
The fourth Chakra is the Heart Chakra.
This Chakra is green in colour and is situated in the centre of the chest. The Sanskirt name for this Chakra is Anahata. This Chakra is the element of Air. The key issues associated with the green Chakra are; passion and desire, inner-child issues, tenderness, romance and rejection. This Chakra relates to the heart, our emotions, sense of love and well being, balancing of our life as well as the expansion of our goals and dreams – and us as a person. This layer is where our auras merge and interact with others, with plants and animals, with people and the cosmos. There are many ways to help keep your green Chakra balanced and cleansed. Some of these ways are as follows, spending as much time in nature as you can – especially around trees and greenery, by eating and drinking green foods and drinks, using natural products and essential oils- especially green ones, spending time with friends and family, cooking with a lot of herbs, placing house plants with a lot of greenery in your home and meditating. When your green Chakra becomes imbalanced you may find that you suffer from high blood pressure, find it difficult to express or self or show emotions, heart and breast cancer, immune system problems, muscular tension, loneliness even when you have people around you, difficulties breathing, hearth problems and disorders, chest pains and infections.
The 5th Chakra is the Throat Chakra.
This Chakra is blue / turquoise in colour and is situated in the throat region. The Sanskirt name for this Chakra is Visuddah. This Chakra is the element of Ether / Akasha. The key issues associated with the turquoise Chakra are; trusting in our inner guidance and balancing of our higher / lower selves, expressing our selves and speaking opening. This Chakra is associated with Divine Will, creativity, sound and vibration. It is also connected to communication. There are many ways to help keep your turquoise Chakra balanced and cleansed. Some of these ways are as follows, singing is a very good way to help keep this Chakra balanced, being creative and artistic, working with colours, collecting stamps, art or other type of collections, eating turquoise or blue foods and drinks, wearing blue or turquoise jewellery or gemstones and crystals, writing a lot of poetry, keeping a diary, communication and stimulating conversations, expressing your self more and sharing how you feel, being open and truthful. When your Turquoise Chakra becomes imbalanced you may find that you suffer from colds, fevers and flu, swollen glands or loss of voice, sore throats and other throat problems, Thyroid imbalances, neck and shoulder problems, tense muscles, throat, mouth and jaw problems, hormonal problems, mood swings and over hyperactivity.
The 6th Chakra is the brow or third eye Chakra.
This Chakra is deep blue / indigo in colour and is situated on your forehead just above and between your eyes. The Sanskirt name for this Chakra is Anja. This Chakra is the element of spirit. The key issues associated with the blue Chakra are; trusting your inner guidance and balancing of our higher and lower selves, our psychic ability and psychic development. This Chakra is associated with our dreams, spiritual awareness, our thoughts and feelings of unconditional love, to honesty and trust as well as to our knowledge and intuitive knowledge. There are many ways to help keep your blue Chakra balanced and cleansed. Some of these ways are as follows, meditation and listening to calming and relaxing music, reading spiritual books and watching films or programs on the paranormal and supernatural, drawing and looking at pictures of angels, star gazing, wearing blue or indigo clothes, jewels, gems and crystals, eating blue or indigo foods and drinks, also visualization and using your imagination, doing creative things. When the blue Chakra becomes imbalanced you may find that you suffer from learning disabilities, sleep disorders, hormonal problems, creative blocks, poor eye sight, headaches and problems with your head, shoulders and neck, co ordination problems and bloating and menopause.
The 7th Chakra is the crown Chakra.
This Chakra is purple / violet in colour and is situated on the top of your head. The Sanskirt name for this Chakra is Sahasrara. This Chakra is also the element of Spirit. The key issues associated with the violet Chakra is inner wisdom and death of the body. This Chakra is links us to Divine Mind, our super-consciousness, all knowledge, possibilities and our higher truth. There are many ways to help keep your blue Chakra balanced and cleansed. Some of these ways are as follows, eating violet or purple foods and drinks, wearing purple jewels, gems and crystals, wearing purple clothes, writing and poetry, recording your dreams and visions, doing psychic and spiritual work, inventing things and being creative, focusing on your dreams and meditation. When the violet Chakra becomes imbalanced you may find that you suffer from skin rashes, headaches, poor eye sight, mental illness, photosensitivity, right / left brain disorders, coordination problems and epilepsy.