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How can I work and heal with light?
Answer by Natasha Chamberlin
Many people create and heal using light. Once you know how you will find it to be fun and enlightening. I love working with light and do it often. After working with light you are always left with a warm and comforting feeling. I always find that I can strongly feel the presence of my guides and angels around me, when I create, heal and work with light. I would like to help you to learn to create and heal with light too and share with you this wondrous experience. Light is one of the most powerful forces in the universe. Light is a living presence that is around us all and is everywhere. It responds to your thoughts of it. With out light the world will wither away and die. Light helps the world and us to grow and live.
Calling Light
How to call light to yourself is easy, just stop what ever it is that you are doing. Shut your eyes and say either out loud or in your mind, "Light please come to me.”
* Imagine that above your head is a large ball of light.
* Watch as this ball of light surrounds you in a cocoon of light.
* Take note of what the light feels like and how it makes you feel. Is it warm, hot, does it make you feel happy, sad, free or light headed? Take note of the feelings and thoughts that come to you.
* Take in a deep breath and imagine that the beautiful light begins to flow with in you, filling your entire body, lungs and soul with pure white light.
* Imagine that you now are completely filled with heavenly white light.
With practice you will soon find that this exercise will come naturally to you and will only take a few minutes of your time. You can do this exercise any time or any place. I find that I do the exercise while cooking dinner, in the bath, brushing my teeth or walking. When ever you feel upset, in need of protection, down in the dumps or need to calm your nerves – then try this exercise and notice how different and confident you will feel. Not long ago I went though a stage of great depression. I felt that no matter what I did I still felt down in the dumps. After several days of struggling to shake off the depression I called light to myself. I instantly began to feel the depression lift and ease after performing the exercise. For the first time in days I felt renewed, at peace and happy within myself. I received many positive comments from family and friends – commenting on how fresh and happy I looked. Calling light to yourself does work!
Light and Your Ambitions
Do you have a specific goal, dream, an item or wish that you hope to fulfil and have? If so them here is an easy exercise that will help to draw these things to you. It won’t happen over night as it takes a lot of imagination, creating with light and determination. Sit down somewhere where you will not be disturbed. Put on some soothing music and light a scented candle or two if you like. Shut your eyes and take in three deep breaths. Let your body completely relax. Think about what it is that you truly want most or about your goals, dreams and wishes. Imagine that you are in a cinema and in front of you is a large white screen. Imagine that you are watching a little movie on the large screen. The movie is all about you achieving your goals, or getting the things that you most want in life. Imagine that you do achieve and receive all that your heart is longing for. Actually see yourself in the movie receiving and achieving these things.
Try to imagine this in as much detail as possible. Imagine how you would feel if you achieved these things. Feel the feelings deep with in, take in any smells, thoughts, feelings, tastes and sounds that come to you. Make this movie as real and vivid as you can. Once you have reached your goal, got what you most wanted then imagine the white screen filling with brilliant white light. Watch as the light fills up the images on the screen. Once you have done this then imagine that you are sending the images and light from the screen up as high as you can. Imagine this light going higher and higher through space and different dimensions, where it forms into a large ball of energy and light. Watch as this ball of energy and light grow larger and larger. Then bring the ball of energy and light back down to you. Imagine the energy and light from this ball enter with in you and fill you with light.
Say out loud or in your mind, "This is now my reality, I have the things I most want in my life.”
Try to repeat this exercise daily if you can and try to do it for a few months or more. Watch as your dreams, goals and wishes soon begin to take form and become your reality for real. Our imaginations are incredibly powerful tools. I know of a very true saying that, "Every thought is pure energy.” When you think and use your imagination – you are actually working with energy and creating what you see around you. If your thoughts are negative then you send out negative energy, which in turn brings negative things into your life. If you keep your thoughts positive and upbeat then, you radiate positive energy and draw good and positive things into your life.
Healing with Light
Healing with light is just as simple and easy as creating with it. You can help to heal yourself or those close to you. You can even send healing energy to others who need it. If there is someone who is ill, depressed, down or sad then all you do is; Sit quietly and say out loud or in your mind…
"I call upon my highest level spirit guides and angels and I call upon ....................... (the person you are sending light to) highest level spirit guides and angels. I ask that you will please send healing light to ...................... Please help ....................... to heal and make a full recovery. Thank you. "
Then imagine that you are holding a ball of beautiful white light in your hands. Imagine that the person whom you are sending healing light to is standing across the room from you. Blow gently at the ball of light and watch as the ball of light leaves your hands and speeds towards your loved one. Imagine your loved one taking hold of the ball of light. Watch as the ball of light begins to enter and fill your loved one with beautiful white light. Now imagine that your loved one is glowing from head to toe in white light. You can direct the light to a specific area of the person or just let the light fill the person’s entire body. You can use this same process to heal yourself, pets, plants and even loved ones who live far away.
Category: Questions and Answers | Added by: psychictasha (2012-05-25)
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