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Do dreams always have a meaning?
Do dreams always have a meaning?

Answer By Natasha Chamberlin
Dreams do not always have meanings. Some dreams are brought on by something you might have watched or heard. Other dreams can stem from concerns, fears or issues in a persons life. Dreams that are trying to tell you something or have a meaning are usually dreams that are very vivid, play on your mind, are in colour and you have strong feelings in the dreams.

If you dream of loved ones who have passed over then usually this is actually their spirits communicating with you in your dreams. A very good idea to try is to keep a dream journal next to your bed. Write down and date all the dreams you have in as much detail as you can.

You may find that when you go back and read what you have written in a few months or a year?s time that you will see things that have happened, or see helpful advice or guidance in the dream to a situation you might have had.
Category: Questions and Answers | Added by: psychictasha (2012-05-18)
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