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Hi. My mum died three years ago on christmas eve with me by her side. I still regularly dream of her, and it is as if she is still in my life. I have heard that sometimes the person who has died can actually visit you whilst you are asleep, is this true? CBL
You could always try writing on a piece of paper the below: "Mum I ask that you will please visit me in my dreams as I miss you and would love to hear from you. Thank you mum."
Once you have written out your message then read out your message loud and say it to your mum. Truly believe in your heart that she can hear your message (as she can hear it - you can always talk to her and she will hear you.)
Now place the piece of paper under your pillow and leave it there until your mum visits. Each night read out the message to your mum and continues to do so until she visits. Your mum will do her best to visit you in your dreams as soon as she can. I hope this helps and thanks again for your message. Love and Blessings, Natasha xx .
Hi CLB, thank you for sending in your dream to me and I am so sorry for the late reply. I am sorry for your loss as I know this must have been so very painful for you.
Please know that your mother is not gone completely. She is constantly with you in spirit and she is happy and well. I feel that your mother is a peace now as I can sense a deep feeling of peace.
Yes people who have passed over often do visit their loved ones - especially in our dreams. Our loved ones often pass on messages to us through our dreams so please write down all of your dreams - the ones with your mum in them and the others. After a month or so if you go back and read your dreams, you may find a message or two hidden with in the dreams.
When your mum visits you in your dreams know that this is not just a dream, your mums spirit is actually visiting you. I felt that your mum has been leaving you little signs such as flowers, white feathers and tiny birds - I keep seeing lady birds. Keep a special eye out for these signs as this is your mums way of showing you that she is still with you and that she loves you.
I hope this helps and thanks again for sending in your questions about dreams.