How To Make A Kitchen Angel
By Julie R Smith
The holiday season seems to bring out the creativity in just about everyone. Whether you are a creative whiz or just dabbling in your craft, there are so many different avenues. I love making homemade gifts for the holidays or any occasion. They always seem to make gift giving more special. My children also enjoy making special things for our family. Homemade gifts let people know that they are worth your time and how much they mean to you, not to mention the fun you will have making them. Homemade gifts find a special place in peoples hearts and often become family treasures and heirlooms. You don't need to be an extremely crafty person or even be a seem stress, there are many no sew ideas out there. The project I am going to explain is great for adults or children. This craft is called the "Kitchen Angel". This angel gets it's name due to the fact that it is made of kitchen towels. There aren't many supplies needed for this project and you can really have fun with it. You can make these festive to go with the holiday or you can match them to your gifties decor.
All you need to get started is:
1 dish towel 1 dish cloth 1 potholder 1 14 inch narrow ribbon (any color to coordinate) 1 6 inches narrow ribbon (any color to coordinate) 1 gold or silver pipe cleaner
To assemble this cute angel, you start by folding the dish towel in half lengthwise then folding that in half (this will be the head and body of the angel). Wrap the 6 inch ribbon around the top of the towel leaving about 3 inches from the top of the dishtowel, creating the head of the angel.
Lay the potholder down with the loop facing up. Slide your 14 inch ribbon behind the pot holder coming threw the loop of the holder to the front. Tie the ribbon cinching the potholder. (this now becomes the angels wings).
Place your dishcloth on a flat surface and roll it, making a long tube shape. Place the rolled cloth lengthwise on top of the potholder and tie it (this becomes the arms of the angel).
Place the folded dishtowel on top of the attached dishcloth and potholder tying it with the remaining length of ribbon (making a bow around the waste of the angel).
Bend your pipe cleaner into a circle, twisting it around its self to properly secure it. Place the pipe cleaner or halo on top of the angels head. This cute kitchen angel can be hung by the loop of the potholder. There you have it, a heart felt and inexpensive gift created by you or your children. The wonderful thing about this gift, is it could be hung in the kitchen as a holiday angel or year round. This can also be taken apart and be used. Julie has been sewing and making crafts since she was a child. In her spare time, she enjoys playing bocce ball. Check out her new site on Bocce balls. Article Source: Article Source: