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A Spirit Guide Explains Where Ghosts Come From

Born with the ability to see and speak with Spirit Guides enables me to work with various Guides, both in meditation and the psychic readings that I do. It's as real for me to talk with Spirit Guides as it is for me to talk to another human. All I have to do is close my eyes and I enter an entirely different world, again just as real as the physical one. I see everything, including the Guides, in full living color. For the past ten years or so, in a typical meditation, as soon as I close my eyes I find myself at a lake surrounded by pine trees, with a little bit of a sandy beach, one or more Spirit Guides generally awaiting me.

This book of ghost stories started quite innocently one day when a Spirit Guide I call "the man in the cowboy boots" (yes, he does wear cowboy boots and that is what I have always called him) appeared in meditation and started talking to me about where ghosts come from and why they are here on earth. I have worked with the man in the cowboy boots for about ten years now and am used to having all manners of conversation with him, yet when he started talking about ghosts that day I found myself unusually excited because I immediately thought what a great article it would make. Mind you, I never got around to actually writing the article, but that was because I was extremely burned out on writing, having just finished another book written with the Guides in meditation that was eight years in the making! Needless to say I was not thinking about starting a new book, or even writing an article.

As it turns out it did not matter whether I wrote the article or not, because approximately three weeks after the initial talk about ghosts, the man in the cowboy boots came into my meditation again and took me to another Guide in a far, far away place, who told me to write this book of ghost stories. He even handed the completed book to me! Talk about being thrilled, here was a whole new book to write. So I guess I was not as burned out on writing as I originally thought. As things turned out, the day after being told to write this book I entered my usual daily meditation and the Guides promptly sent their first lost ghost to me and this book was officially underway.

But first things first…going back to the day the man in the cowboy boots first talked to me about ghosts. I was standing at the lake in meditation, deep in thought, thinking about ghosts and Spirits because the lake seemed extraordinarily dense with them that day. The man in the cowboy boots walked right up to me and without even greeting me, started our conversation by saying, "Ghosts are records of the human life lived. While some ghosts literally have "lives" after their human's death, others are simply records of the life lived and are stored in appropriate places. Ghosts are an important part of the complexity of life on earth and remain connected to Spirit, just as humans do." Ads by Google

I think about what he has just told me and again have to wonder why I feel so excited over his seemingly casual conversation.
He continues by saying, "To understand a ghost's connection to Spirit we first need to understand the intricacies of Spirit's existence within the human consciousness. While in Spirit form, what is termed "whole Spirit" is the highest consciousness possible- such high consciousness humans cannot comprehend its true value. Whole Spirit cannot enter the earth's atmosphere as human life because its consciousness is too high to allow it to inhabit the human body and consciousness, therefore whole Spirit creates what might be called a "diluted Spirit entity" that may enter the human body and consciousness as human life.

When the human life expires, its diluted Spirit piece returns to its whole Spirit, but the ghost of the life is left behind as it belongs to the earth it was created for. Such as pulling an engine from a car, you still have a car, just no engine. At death the Spiritual piece goes back to its whole, this you could compare to being the engine. The ghost piece left behind is the car that may still serve a purpose. This is how we find ghosts inhabiting the earth. Remember that upon creation of the human life, the Spirit, human body and its ghost are all planned and created simultaneously. Ghosts are not accidents, neither are they spontaneous in any manner, they are planned.

Ghosts also serve as part of the ladder that helps bridge humans with Spirit. Even ghosts that are commonly believed to haunt places are not really stuck in their haunting. They are living planned existences like everything else on earth."

"All of this makes sense" I say, "but gosh, why tell me now?" My head is simply swimming with all this information. Again, what he is telling me today feels exceptionally important and vital. I ask him why this was not explained to me years ago, although I suppose that to be an academic question, because had I needed to know this years ago I would have. That seems to be the way the Guides work, presenting information as needed. However, I do ask him to address the fact that I have always felt this lake to be crowded with Spirits and ghosts of Native Americans.
He says, "Yes, there are a lot of Native Americans attracted to this lake. Some of your ghosts on earth have purposes that involve work and this is one of the places where common purpose is served by the ghosts."

"Gosh, this feels incredibly complex, but then the worlds of Spirit and human are extremely complicated," I say.

"Yes", he says, "think about how you might be attracted to this lake because many of the Spirits you work with and who work through you stay here."

I think about that while also thinking of the millions upon millions of lives that have walked this earth. I remark to him how overwhelming it is to think about each life leaving behind a ghost.

He tells me, "But every ghost lives in their designated place and serves their given purpose. Human lives and ghost lives are intricately connected and may work closely together."

I ask him about ghosts that we help to go back home, or to the light as we like to say and he says that too is planned.
"No matter your lives on earth, no matter what you do in them, you are all 100% in service to your planning. No one escapes this fact. No one deed escapes this fact."

I ask again why we would help a ghost to go home as we like to call it, he says "Because the ghost has served its purpose and can now move along. It may have been left there just to serve the purpose of "going home" for those on earth who helped it, or it may be there as a visible record of its human's story so that other humans might view and talk about it. There are countless reasons ghosts may be in any one place."
I say that helping ghosts does make us feel decidedly good. We love good ghost stories; especially the ones where we believe that we help them heal and go back to the light.

He has certainly given me much to think about today and as this meditation draws to a close I am left deep in thought. excerpt from 17 Ghost Stories by Chris Burnett, psychic.
Chris Burnett - About the Author:

17 Ghost Stories, written by Chris Burnett. Previously published author of Grandmother Speaks, along with The Journey of Seven Beliefs. Further info can be found at or
Category: Articles | Added by: psychictasha (2012-05-24)
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